
Monday, April 8, 2013

Biggest Loser Week 1, Workout 1

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I am hoping that today will be the start of something good, something inspiring, something that I can STICK TO. One of my biggest problems has always been sticking to something and following through. I could probably be characterized as a follower, and hardly ever the trend setter. The one place where I have been successful at commitment has been my marriage. This July will be my 10-year anniversary with my husband (dated for 6 years, will be married for 4), and that is not something I take lightly. With such a high divorce rate, I am pretty proud of this accomplishment.

So, what did I start today? My first day as part of a group weight loss program at a local gym in my hometown, modeled after The Biggest Loser. For the next ten weeks, I will be attending a 1-hour workout, two times a week, with a nutrition class on Saturdays for 1 hr. I am in a group with 9 other women, and we are our own team. There are a couple other groups this round, and we will have some friendly competition to see who can lose the most weight  / most percentage of body fat.

I am really excited!! I was really nervous, but I am trying to keep an open mind, and convinced I have nothing to lose! I have been struggling with my weight for awhile (what person isn't?) and I think I need this kick in my butt to get me going. I trained to do a 5k last summer, and completed 2.

My goal at the end of the ten weeks: to get down to 155 lbs. Thats about a 22 lb loss, and over 10 weeks, I totally can do this. I know I can. I plan to write about the workouts, and update my progress. My hope is that being accountable to my other teammates and to the lovely world of the interwebs, I will succeed! So here we go. Without further ado. . . .

Week 1: Workout #1
This was an intake of sorts. I got a bunch of measurements taken to see where I start from, and by the end, I will have all these measurements taken again to see how far I've gotten. But there will be a weigh-in every Monday! This will make me stay on track over the weekend, which has always been the hardest for me.

Starting weight: 177 lbs
Waist circumference: 39 inches
Body fat percentage: 34.3%

Fitness test:
Pushups (on my knees) in 1 minute: 15
Situps in 1 minute: 17
Mile run: 9:34

I came in 2nd out of my team on the mile run and I was super pumped about this! I have been working on running and clearly that is where I am strongest. I really need to work on my strength, and that will be my focus over the next 10 weeks. It was a real wakeup call to see how little I could do in the sit-up and pushup department, but I have to start somewhere!

Easter Sunday
There is the most recent picture I have of myself so I can have a starting point.

The real workout starts on Thursday!!!

More later, friends :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

If I could bring back...

If I could bring back anyone in my life, it would be my maternal grandparents and my uncle on my mother’s side. My grandfather passed away when I was four, and my grandmother passed away when I was fourteen. I did not get to know her very well, though, because she suffered from Parkinson’s disease during the times I remember her.  My uncle passed away only a couple months before my grandmother, so, suffice it to say, it was a very difficult and emotional year for my mother! I am sad that I did not get to know this part of my family, because my immediate family is very small. I am an only child, with no first cousins, and only one grandparent who is still alive (whom I have yet to meet, we don’t live on the same continent). I love to think about how I would be different if I got to spend more time with them, got to know them better, and learned what lessons I am sure they would have taught me. I am especially sad, thinking about this, because my husband’s family is slightly different. He still has three living grandparents, an older bother, countless aunts, uncles, and first cousins.

One of the main reasons I would bring them back would be for my mom, who misses them so very much, everyday. But, I do try and stay positive now, especially since I have an adorable, darling son, who turned 2 last month. He is the luckiest because he still has all four of his adoring, doting grandparents in his life to love and support him. On top of that, he has 4 great grandparents, and an uncle. But there always seems to be a downside to every situation in life, and that is that we live just under 400 miles from my family and my in-laws. My hope is that in the (very near) future, we move closer to our families and my son, and any other children we may be blessed with, get to know, love, spend many weekends and nights with his (or their) extended family for as long as time allows.

Although our time together was short, I am always thinking about my those in my family who are no longer with me, and find comfort in knowing that we will meet again. That is why I try to remind myself, and my readers: cherish life and the time you have with your loved ones.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Not the sticker! - Toddle Along Tuesday

Toddle Along Tuesday - Funny/quirky Toddler Habits

Today is Toddle Along Tuesday! This week's topic is "Funny/quirky toddler habits" I am linking up with Melissa at Growing Up Geeky. Be sure to check out her fabulous blog!

This story was just too funny that I could not pass up blogging about it because I never want to forget it. Jordan, Henry and I went grocery shopping this past Saturday night, one of Henry's most favorite trips to go on because he loves riding in that grocery cart. Sometimes we indulge him and push the cart "backwards" so that he is facing forward down the aisle.

On this particular trip, we made it to the cashier for checkout. The cashier was a young twenty-something gal, who had help for her sidekick bagging buddy. They both thought Henry was being just so adorable in the cart, that the cashier decided to give him a small, bright-orange circular sticker (after asking our permission, of course).

I didn't bat an eye and thought that he would love it. They put it on my finger and as my finger inched toward him, I saw something very odd. He became inching backwards, and whimpering, as if he was terrified of this tiny, harmless, sticker. I haven't seen him act like this before, and I was a little concerned, but I smiled a whole lot because I kind of thought this was the most adorable reaction ever. 

I put it on his jacket and he kept staring at, and almost starting to cry. We quickly ushered our groceries to our car and Jordan thought it would be a "good experience" for Henry to ride the short car trip home with the sticker affixed to his shoe, so that every time Henry looked down at his foot in his carseat, he saw, which was now apparently, the scariest object on the planet. He did whimper the entire car ride home, but it was so cute we just kept it going.

The sticker has since been floating around our living room, and every now and then he will find it, and sometimes stick it on one of us, but luckily now it has lost its adhesive and just falls off, which is just how our little sir likes it.

Who knows where this fear came from. I asked myself the same question for Henry's earlier fears (i.e. nose blowing, and the sound the shower mat made when you ripped it off the floor of the tub.) He has gotten over those, and I am sure, as time goes on, this too shall pass. It has too. How are we going to survive trips to the doctor and dentist when the reward is scarier than the actual appointment?

What are some of your other quirky or funny toddler stories?

Henry enjoying something not-so-scary at the grocery store

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Toddle Along Tuesday - July 4th!

Toddle Along Tuesday - July 4th!

Today is Toddle Along Tuesday! This week's topic is "July 4th!" I am linking up with Melissa at Growing Up Geeky.

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday celebrating with loved ones while honoring our nation's birthday. I had off from work, so Jordan, Henry and I got to spend the entire day together. We had made plans to go out to breakfast in the morning to the only local bagel place we can find that it is up to our standards (we have high ones coming from the Philadelphia area!) It is located in Durham, NH, the local college town. We order Henry the same thing every time we go - whole wheat bagel, toasted, with nothing on it. We cut it up into bite size pieces and he goes to town and loves it. His loud "yay!" that erupts when our server brings a plate full of food in our direction is priceless, and I love it more every time.

We live in a small "city" and they put together a bunch of activities downtown that we wanted to check out. It was very hot and humid this year so this turned out not as comfortable as we expected. Our friends came over with their almost 3-yr old daughter, and we all walked downtown together. They were kind enough to bring their two-kid wagon, and I was a huge fan!! I don't think Henry had been in a wagon before but he really enjoyed it. And they kiddos could face each other which kept them entertained.

Henry watching a tae-kwon do demonstration. Might have to try this out when he gets older!

Trying lemon Italian Ice. It was a huge hit! It's very hard to find proper Italian Ice in New England, but this was pretty close!
Henry is really working hard on self-feeding!

After exploring downtown, we came back to our house and had our own BBQ with our friends. Unfortunately, their daughter was getting sleepy (the fireworks weren't until 9:15!) I know it has to be dark, but really???? So they left before the fireworks and we tried our best to keep Henry up! He made it!

Ready to go to the fireworks. He looks really old in this picture, I think!
We stopped and got some ice cream before the fireworks. It sprinkled a little before the fireworks began, and I think that scared him more than the fireworks themselves. When Henry is tired, he becomes very sensitive and unpredictable (don't we all?)

Watching the downtown fireworks with Mom!

A little scared at times, but Dad makes it all better.

 We had a great July 4th and Henry really loved his first fireworks. I hope he enjoys them as much, if not more, next year. What did you do for the Fourth of July? Be sure to check out what other mamas did by clicking the Toddle Along Tuesday linky up at the top of this post!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Toddle Along Tuesday - Letter to Your Old Self

Toddle Along Tuesday - Letter to Your Old Self

Today is Toddle Along Tuesday! This week's topic is "Letter to Your Old Self" I am linking up with Melissa at Growing Up Geeky.

Dearest Jen (circa 2010),

Wow, you just found out you were pregnant! Happened quicker and easier than you thought, right? Well, take a deep breath, and even though Jordan is just as scared as you are, everything will work out. I know you are thinking, "How on earth am I going to do this with my parents and in-laws living over 300 miles away? This isn't how it 'normally' works, right?"

Well, you can, you did, and you will. You are stronger than you think and together, truly, Jordan and you can do anything. Here are some words of wisdom:

-Please throw NORMAL out the window, right now, because you do what you need to do and that is your new normal. Try your hardest not to play the compare game, during your pregnancy, and with Henry and his peers as he grows up. There is always going to be another child who is walking sooner, eating more, gaining more weight, using more words, etc. Henry is who Henry is meant to be and that is an amazing gift from God and you need to try your hardest to remember that.

-Don't let every other pregnancy story scare you, or make you anxious. I know its easy for you to get worked up, and just smile and nod when people tell you that it was the worst pain you will ever feel, or that you will poop on the table. You will make it through, and you might even want to do it again!

-Be up front with your OB/Gyn. Even though you think that they have your best interests in mind, it is important for you to make up your mind in order to steer your care and birth in the direction YOU want. Don't be afraid to ask them questions, call them on the phone and demand them to explain something to you more than once if you don't get it the first time. Don't be afraid of hurting their feelings. You and baby are most important!

-If you aren't getting the care you want in the hospital, speak up. Your labor will be long, and while you think you will have Henry on Christmas day, it will be 2 days later than that, even though, yes, your water will break on Christmas Eve, but nothing is done for THREE DAYS. I know it sounds scary, but you come out just fine, and more importantly Henry comes out perfectly. But, be stern with the doctors and don't be afraid of them judging you. YOU are in control.

-Don't freak out, but Henry is going to be a big guy! I know in all your birthing classes, you will hear that the average baby is 7 or 8lbs, but he will surpass this by far, and I won't ruin the surprise because its amazing, but know that he is the most adorable ball of joy you will ever lay your eyes on!!

-Henry will stop crying. I know you are afraid that he'll cry forever and you won't know what to do to make him stop, but you will know exactly what to do, and he will not cry forever. Sometimes it might seem like it, but he will stop.

-You will be a successful mother WHILE working full-time! I know it sounds overwhelming, and you wonder if you will ever have enough energy, but you make it work, with lots of help from Jordan, who is such a supportive and involved dad. He will help with the dishes and the laundry (but not too much because he is still working on his dissertation!)

Henry and you at the New Hampshire Fishercats game (6.24.12)

Much love from your awesome, amazing, calm (and pretty fit) future self :)

P.S.- you will also train for a 5K (I know, seriously!) and run it on July 7, 2012 (your first one!). Told you that are amazing xoxox

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Toddle Along Tuesday - Places to Shop

Toddle Along Tuesday - Places to Shop

Today is Toddle Along Tuesday! This week's topic is "Places to Shop!" I am linking up with Melissa at Growing Up Geeky.

Shopping has always been fun for me, and it has gotten a lot more fun shopping for baby clothes, toys, and accessories since Henry was born. One of my most favorite places to shop, for myself and Henry is TJ Maax. There is just something about the prospect of not knowing what you are going to find that makes shopping there so much fun! I think Henry agrees, don't you?

Here is an outfit we bought at TJ Maxx that's really by Nautica. Henry wore it this Easter:

When I don't have tons of time to shop at stores, I also love shopping at I am in love with their Subscribe & Save Program. We use this for Pampers diapers and wipes. We get a discount and its delivered right to our house (anything to make shopping easier earns an A in my book!) I also appreciate the reminder e-mail that a shipment is coming...if we feel like we don't need it this time, we can skip this shipment and wait for the next one, and we aren't charged for it at all. Win!

Do you have favorites places to shop?

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